Health is the basic human right. Hence health care delivery system requires competency in the care of the clients. Nursing and Pharmacy is key to health care delivery system. However there is acute shortage of the nursing personnel not only in India but throughout the World.

It has created the demand of increased number of institution to train the nurses and pharmasist as per the present and future demands of qualified Candidate. However the excellency in the nursing education required desired facilities to bring out the hidden potential of the nursing and Pharmacy students and make them confident to practice in any service setting.

Perceiving the tough challenges faced in the fast integrating global economy, the institute strives to groom students to make them socially sensitive value driven leaders to serve the society.The Management is determined to develop this Institute into a model of excellent Academic Centre for Learning and Research.

(Sanjeevani Group believes that excellency in the profession can be brought through excellent academic environment.)

To maintain the highest standard of excellence as an activity led institution of national & International standing, where staff work at the frontiers of academic enquiry and educate students in a participative environment.


Our aim is to provide the finest possible environment for teaching, learning and research, creativity, innovation and professional activity and inculcate in them ethical and moral values.